Welcome to Medibazae. We provides Covid-19 medical accessories


Excellence in Every Detail The processing of blood components demands precision and dedication. At Advent India, we excel in this arena, utilizing cutting-edge techniques to process blood components efficiently and accurately, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.



Preserving Life-Saving Resources Our top-tier storage facilities maintain the integrity and quality of blood components, guaranteeing their availability whenever and wherever they are needed. Our temperature-controlled storage ensures that each unit is kept in optimal conditions, ready to serve its life-saving purpose.



Safeguarding Lives Through Vigilance Safety is paramount when it comes to transfusion services. We leave no room for compromise. Rigorous screening processes, including advanced testing and quality assurance measures, ensure that every unit of blood is free from infectious agents, making it safe for transfusion.



Precision and Expertise The separation of blood components is a critical stage in the transfusion process. Our skilled professionals employ cutting-edge technology to carefully divide whole blood into its various components, such as red blood cells, plasma, and platelets, ensuring that each component is readily available for specific medical needs.



The First Step in Saving Lives Our dedicated team specializes in the collection of blood and its components, employing state-of-the-art techniques and stringent protocols to ensure the safety and efficacy of the collected units. Your trust in our collection services is the foundation of a healthier tomorrow.

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